Remember the acronym K.I.S.S.? It stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. No, No, No, I'm not calling you stupid. What I am saying is... Keep it simple. With the current diet culture and the hundreds (dare I say thousands?) of diets out there, it can get confusing on the safest, healthiest, fastest way to lose weight. One diet says "no carbs and then another says "sure, have carbs!", I yi yi... it's dizzying.
What I know for sure, is for you to lose weight, you must be in a calorie deficit. How YOU choose to do that, is up to you. There are apps out there (My Fitness Pal for example), to help you decide on the number of calories that are right for YOU and will help you keep track. If you are consistently in a calorie deficit, you will start to lose. Keep it simple, eat what you love and know what's going in your mouth.
Call me if you need me.
Tons of love,
